
Customer Testimonials

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Success Stories and Featured Customers

Reaper's Revenge Haunted Hayride and Attractions - Blakely, PA

“VFX props have been great at our haunts! We have a few at Reaper's Revenge and they are always crowd pleasers.  I love their products!”

– Todd Fedyshyn, Co-Owner/Director of Operations & Marketing  Reaper's Revenge Haunted Hayride and Attractions - Blakely, PA

Escape Room 831 Logo
"Your products and support are amazing and we wanted to take a moment and let you know. We purchased two attack puppets at the HAA Show in 2019. Our goal was to try a small scale haunt and these seemed like the right accessories to start our collection. We managed to get involved with a haunt in 2020 and we can tell you that without fail, Chokels and Psy-Co are the hit of the night!  Not only are people scared, but they question whether or not they are staring at something that is real! It is the craziest thing. And the minute you hit that voice box it really sets off the night. 
Thank you for constructing a durable product that can take hours of hard work night after night. We are looking forward to seeing you guys again in 2021 and expanding our collection. 
Thanks again for everything. You guys have a really great company and I can truly say, in these difficult times, that makes a world of difference.

Barrie RiddochOwner Escape Room 831

Frontier City Amusement Park

“The puppets were a MAJOR hit at our park!  The puppets provided an unexpected experience that our guests LOVED!  Believe it or not, I ended up working the Clown puppet personally.  It was a great experience that allowed me to get right in the middle of the operation and hear the feedback from our guests.  The clown and I are now memorialized on thousands of Facebook posts from our guests!  I am happy to offer my testimony and recommendation for your product.”

– Stephen Ball, General Manager  Frontier City Amusement Park
Fear Asylum Logo

“You guys exceeded my expectations!…This thing creeps me out!”

– Buck Burdick, Owner  Fear Asylum
Ray Wright, Haunt Actor Testimonial

“Thank you so much for the AWESOME customer service!!!  You guys are AMAZING!!!”

– Ray Wright, Haunt Actor
HauntWorld Magazine Cover

“A great example of entertaining guests, rather than just the scare.”

– HauntWorld Magazine

Ocean Park Hong Kong Professional Haunt Actors

Our Global Clients

VFX has clients literally all over the world, from France to Australia and so many places in between.

Six Flags Theme Parks -USA   Ocean Park - Hong Kong
Netherworld Haunted House - Stone Mountain, GA - USA
Black Pool Pleasure Beach - UK   Universal Studios - USA and Singapore
Show Time Amusements - Australia   • Sea World - San Antonio, TX - USA
Le Manoir de Paris - Paris, France  • House of Phobia - Puerto Rico
Dinosaur Adventure - Norfolk, UK   • NigloLand - France
...and many more.


Proud Member of IAAPA
International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.

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