haunt show testimonials

Interviews With Happy VFX Customers & Their Most Successful Products

Haunt Show Testimonials & Their Most Successful VFX Products

by | Jul 14, 2019 | Events, Interviews & Success Stories

At every Haunt Show we attend, we do our best to talk to our customers and get feedback on how they use our products and how we can improve them. We always receive great comments, valuable info and return buyers.

So the team decided to start doing some impromptu interviews with their cell phones and create our “Haunt Show Testimonials”. The content and responses were so great that we handed them over to our new production and marketing team at Gregson Studios who produced this fun testimonial video.

Featured Testimonials From Our Video

The VFX team captured some fantastic interviews from customers at the shows. These were some of our favorites, and many were return customers who were there purchasing more VFX products.

We will continue to collect quality testimonials and interviews at shows and events now that we’ve experienced how powerful and helpful these type of sound bites can be. So if you’re a current customer, we would love to hear from you. Stop by our booth at any of the shows we attend and give us your feedback.

Featured Products From Our Video

Below is information about some of the products featured in the video, as well as some other helpful info, links to the products on our site, and a list of our favorite trade shows.

The Attack Line

Puppets you wear…and SCARE!!! Life-size, interactive character puppets you wear…and SCARE!!! Highly detailed, realistic character puppets, created with haunt attractions and theme parks in mind.

Zombie puppets, clown puppets, scarecrow puppets, werewolf puppets, vampire puppets, mummy puppets and more!

Great to use in your attraction, to entertain your queue line and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) as a marketing tool at other events and in parades, etc. to promote your attraction.

The Puppet Master Sound Systems

VFX Electronics – Loud Enough To Wake The DEAD! Sound FX systems for puppets, CosPlay, characters, haunt attractions, escape rooms, etc. VFXcreates.com has some of the most awesome sound FX systems around. The Puppet Master Sound System­™ and the Minion FX System™ each have their own special features. These systems are great for puppets, character VOs, CosPlay, LARPing, haunt attraction scenes, escape room games, mascot characters, theme park characters, etc.

Bungee Products

Foam-filled latex props with embedded bungee cord. The Bungee Prop Line is the brainchild of VFX artist Doug Schaefer, while sitting with his own severed head in his hands, he had the idea to add a bungee cord into the molding process so it could be tossed towards unsuspecting guests to give them a great startle.

These life-size, foam filled latex props weigh 2-3 lbs. and have an embedded bungee cord with multiple layers of reinforcement to help it last longer. Includes a heavy duty cord lock to adjust and secure the bungee to the users wrist.

Our Favorite Industry Trade Shows & Events

Halloween & Attractions Show https://www.haashow.com/

The Global Association for the Attractions Industry – IAAPA https://www.iaapa.org/

Midsummer Scream https://midsummerscream.org/

Midwest Haunters Convention https://www.midwesthauntersconvention…

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